At the age of 50, I now have a granddaughter! She is a month old and I still don't know what I want her to call me.
Nonna (Italian translation of grandma)
Queenie (this is my favorite, but not my daughters)
When I was growing up you just called your grandparents Grandma and Grandpa or Grandmother and Grandfather. My girls were the first of the grandkids and they called my mom Grandma and my dad Pawpaw. Of course that stuck through the rest of the grandkids.
When my daughter first found out she was pregnant she asked what we wanted to be called and 10 months
later we still can't decide. I think my husband would like Nonno (Italian version of grandpa), that is what he called his grandpa in Italy. So I am thinking Nonno and Queenie!! Queenie comes from the boys at work calling me queen!
What are your thoughts? Here are some photos to help you decide!!