Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Radiant Faces

How radiant are our faces? Those who look to Him should be radiant! Does that mean that we plaster on a fake smile or happy attitude when we are struggling with life, when we are devastated by events? No, but it does mean that if we truly trust that The Lord delivers us then we will shine even through adversity. We will have a peace, a hope, something others see as brightness in the gloomy times. We don't have to be all smiles to be radiant, we just have to seek The Lord and trust Him and His radiance will shine through us even in the worst of times. 

Psalm 34:4-7 NIV
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. 5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. 6 This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

A beautiful radiant face!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Take Charge!

In this passage we learn three things about Lydia. She was a dealer in purple cloth, worshiped God and had a take charge attitude. After she was baptized, she insisted Paul and His companions come to her house. Later her home became a place of worship. Lydia didn't wait to be asked to provide a place for Paul, she didn't sit around until someone asked her to do something, she saw what needed to be done and did it.  New and old Christians often struggle with this. We aren't sure of our ability or if we can really be of help, but just as Lydia stepped forward and offered, we need to also.  We need to be looking for opportunities to serve instead of waiting to be asked to serve. Be on the lookout today for opportunities to serve God, it maybe as simple as making a phone call or opening a door, but it is still an opportunity to take charge and serve.

Acts 16:13-15 NIV

13 On the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to the river, where we expected to find a place of prayer. We sat down and began to speak to the women who had gathered there. 14 One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message. 15 When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Who has been your angel?

Elijah was distracted, discouraged and doubting! He was running for his life, couldn't see how things could get better and doubted if he made any difference. I am guessing we have all felt this way at one time or another. We get distracted by a situation, feel helpless to change it and doubt if we are making a difference, we just want to sit down and mope! But just as God sent Elijah an angel, He sends us angels too. Who did God send when you were feeling discouraged?? Maybe it was a call, a friend stopping by, a loved one checking on you. God sends us help in our times of doubt and discouragement, He gives us the energy and hope to go on. Thank God today for the angels He has sent you!  Also thank Him for making you someone else's angel, because I know each one of you have been!

1 Kings 19:3-6 NIV)
3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” 5 Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” 6 He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.

Friday, September 25, 2015


Many of us try very hard to be perfect! We struggle daily with trying to do the right thing, say the right thing, be the right thing for others. How can God expect us humans to be perfect? He can because His definition of perfect is different than ours and He has transformed our lives and given us the Holy Spirit to help us. Being perfect isn't doing good things or trying to be godly, it letting God express His life through us. It is exhibiting God-like characteristics without even realizing it. When we truly trust God and let the Holy Spirit guide ours lives, giving control to Him and not the world, then we will fulfill this verse. We will be perfect without ever realizing or agonizing over it. God made us to be like Him, we just need to get out of the way and let Him live in and though us!
Matthew 5:48 NIV
48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Paths and Ways

I have prayed these verses before, but as I read them again I wonder if I really meant it. Do I really want God to show me His ways and teach me His paths. His ways are not always easy, glamorous, or popular. His path maybe bumpy, uphill and through seemingly scary places. To the world God's ways and paths may seem like this, but to Christians they are full of love, joy, and companionship. When we allow God to show us His ways and paths, we grow in our relationship with Him, we trust more and love harder.  Though the it may not be how you imagined it, let God show His path and ways, let Him teach you the truths and then enjoy being filled with love, hope and companionship that never ends! 

Psalm 25:4-5 NIV
4 Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. 5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.