This is how we are, I am a "bullet point person"-just give me the facts. He is all about the details. Makes for interesting conversations sometimes.
I did say my husband could fix almost anything - not computers, but that is ok, that is one thing I can fix.
So this was the start of my day(sometimes it is not good for a wife to be the tech person for husband at place of employment)! We then had 4 other machines that had power supplies go out, a monitor that died, nasty viruses on two machines, a piece of paper in a cd drive, a printer that decided it was playing possum, Jarod's phone reset itself and he lost all his info, projector bulb popped - though in replacing this we fixed a smartboard.
You could just tell something was in the air. The weather forecast was for severe storms and the skies were dark as we headed home. All we got at our house were big rain drops and just a few of those - but as I sat outside doing DBS lesson I could hear thunder towards the south. Found out later via Facebook that Farmington was hit with golfball to tennis ball size hail.
This is a picture my friend Lynn took - that would hurt!
My evening got better with great discussion at BSF, it is so wonderful when God puts a group together.
Though, when I got home from BSF, Jim said he had been on the phone with Abby - no electricity, rain so hard she couldn't see the house next door and the tornado sirens where going off. Dad to the rescue, told her to get in the hall and wait it out! That was all she needed!
So as you can see, atmospheric pressure effects more than just the weather!
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