Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It has been forever since I posted. Things have been a bit busy around our house. Our youngest daughter was married on July 9th and the two weeks prior to and the week after are just a blur.  Over the next week I will be posting different aspects about the event.

The first is Family.  Family can be that in which you are born into and that in which happens as a group bonds as family, that would be my church family.  Both were instrumental in making the wedding fantastic!

My sister, brother, sister-in-law and nephews went above and beyond in helping with the wedding.  They helped prep all the food, cook most of it and serve and clean-up all of it for the buffet dinner at the wedding.  I will be ever indebted to them all...still makes me tear up when I think about all they did.

My nephew, he was also one of the ring bears and runs the household most of the time!

The twin cousins - often mistaken for brother and sister. Tyler doesn't quite have the olive complexion Kaylyn (the bride) has, but they have the same noses and smile.

My brother, the chef, and all his minions.  Actually his wife, Jill, might be telling him how to cut the veggies.

It was a busy kitchen.  My sister, wearing the Razorback shirt, was sporting a new haircut. Jim is instructing the boys on something, though I am not sure it had to do with cutting veggies.

This all took place Thursday before the wedding.  We had another prep party at about 10pm that night and again early Friday morning.  We then packed up the house, so it seemed, and headed 3 hours away to the wedding venue.  A destination wedding in Arkansas!

To follow will be rehearsal and wedding day prep.

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