Thursday, April 7, 2011

My husband and doctors

Well, Tuesday I was escorted to the doctor by my husband, like a reluctant teenager. I first have to say that I haven't been to a primary care physician in over 11 years, I just don't get sick enough to go to the doctor.

Monday afternoon I noticed my lymph nodes on the right side of my neck were sore, that prompted me to head to the mirror to check out the tonsils, of course, I had pus pockets on the right one.  I didn't do much Monday evening, but had no fever.  My wonderful friend, Lisa, picked up pizza for us for supper so I didn't even have to cook. When I woke up Tuesday, throat was worse, completely covered with white spots.  I wasn't running a fever, but my body didn't know that, aching everywhere.  I rode to work with my husband and started the day, throat and body feeling worse.  Finally I decided I might go to the walk-in clinic (very good and sweet people there).  I asked my husband to bring me the car, thinking I would drop him off at his office and come back to my office and contemplate some more about going to the doctor.

My husband picks me up and proceeds to go directly to the clinic stating, "This is the only way I know you will go!"  It isn't that I don't like going to doctors, I just think I have to be dying before it is really necessary.  Good thing I went, I have strep and am on antibiotics.  Jim as thrown away all our toothbrushes and styrofoam Sonic cups that I like to drink out of.  Hopefully I will be well soon, didn't even feel like knitting much Tuesday.

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